Healthy Eating Policy


Active Gymnastics is committed to promoting health policies for the health,
wellbeing, and safety of our members, volunteers, staff and all other groups involved with the organisation.

Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all athletes, volunteers, employees and spectators. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of all athletes, volunteers, employees and contractors of Active Gymnastics to play their part in ensuring these policies are carried out.

1. Active Gymnastics acknowledges that healthy eating has an impact on our health, and that the provision of healthy foods will contribute to better health for all. Active Gymnastics will ensure healthy food alternatives are provided for all activities and events.

2. Definition of Healthy Eating; eating appropriate portions of a variety of foods within the five food groups.

3.  Active Gymnastics has a key role in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and
practices and should be a public example of a healthy and progressive organisation. Active Gymnastics recognises that Healthy Eating plays a critical role in the physical and mental development of children and in the performance abilities of children and adults.

4. Policy Coverage: This policy applies to Active Gymnastics committee meetings, members meetings, staff meetings, functions and events, and to all members, officials, athletes, performers and others taking part in activities or events.

5. Active Gymnastics is committed to ensuring a healthy environment for all those associated with the organisation and will promote healthy eating by adhering to the following guidelines;

  • Healthy food alternatives will be offered at all activities and events, where Active Gymnastics is providing food.
  • Active Gymnastics will give preference to food caterers that provide healthy food alternatives.
  •  Items that encourage unhealthy eating will not be provided for awards.
  • Water will always be provided free of charge.
  • Increased awareness of Healthy Eating.
  • Education of Healthy Eating to members.
  • Awareness of types of foods to eat and those not to eat.
  • To provide Healthy Eating alternatives.